It's been busy days here in Penang for the moment. The Chinese New Year is approaching and the celebration of the festival is big here in Penang. The Chinese New Year is also called Spring Festival and symbolizes the anticipation of spring and its' blossoming. As the New Year follows the Chinese lunar calendar, this years' New Year, falls on 31 of January and represents a shift from the year of the snake to the year of the horse. The Chinese New Year has been celebrated for more than 4000 years and there are many legends about why and how it has been celebrated throughout the history. Today, Chinese New Year is especially a festival that celebrates the family reunion and the honoring of the ancestors. How the Chinese New Year is celebrated varies depending on country, ethnicity , and family. Here in Penang as in many other places, it is customary to decorate the home with a lot of red decorations such as fabrics, lanterns, cherry flowers and Chinese characters that usually symbolizes prosperity and happiness. Families often celebrate the New Years Eve with a reunion dinner which follows with the celebration on New Year's Day by visiting relatives and friends. Red packets with money are a common thing and is given mainly by those who are married to those who are unmarried. Since my husband and I are now married , we will be giving red packets to those who are younger than us, an still unmarried. During Chinese New Year, it is also common for the Buddhists to go to the temple and light incense, especially if the coming New Year is not favorable to the Chinese zodiac sign that you were born in. Next year is less favorable for those born in the year of the horse, rat, rabbit and rooster. Fortunately, I was born in the year of the dog and I seem to have a good year to look forward to. Lucky me, since this coming year is the year when I will open up my own business. But I guess it doesn't hurt to light some incense in the temple anyway, just to be on the safe side I mean..
To have a break during the day and sit down with friends, family or colleagues and together enjoy some coffee (kaffe) and pastries (fikabröd), that is the meaning of the word fika. For Swedes, the fika breaks (fikapaus) are the most important part of the day and of the Swedish culture.
onsdag 29 januari 2014
Chinese New Year
Det är hektiska dagar här i Penang just nu. Det kinesiska nyåret närmar sig och firandet av det är stort här i Penang. Det kinesiska nyåret kallas även för vårfestivalen och symboliserar väntan på våren och årets blomning. Eftersom nyåret följer den kinesiska månkalendern, infaller nyåret i år den 31 januari och innebär en övergång från ormens år till hästens år. Det kinesiska nyåret har firats i över 4000 år och det finns många legender om varför och hur det har firats genom historien. Idag är det kinesiska nyåret framförallt en högtid som firar familjens sammankomst och hedrandet av förfäderna. Hur nyåret firas ser olika ut beroende på land, etnicitet och familj. Här i Penang är det vanligt att man dekorerar sina hem med många röda detaljer så som tyger, lyktor, körsbärsblommor och kinesiska tecken som oftast symboliserar välstånd och lycka. Familjer firar helst genom att återförenas på nyårsafton för en gemensam middag och fortsätter firandet på nyårsdagen med att träffa släkt och vänner. Röda paket med pengar är en vanlig förekomst och delas främst ut av de som är gifta till de som är ogifta. Eftersom jag och min man numera är gifta, är det vi som delar ut röda paket till de som är yngre än oss och som fortfarande är ogifta. Vid det kinesiska nyåret är det även vanligt att man som buddhist går till templet och tänder rökelse, framförallt om det nya året inte är så gynnsamt för det kinesiska stjärntecken som man är född i. Nästa år är mindre gynnsamt för de som är födda i hästens, råttans, kaninens och tuppens år. Lyckligtvis är jag född i hundens år och verkar ha ett bra år att se fram emot vilket jag kan behöva då jag ska starta mitt eget företag. Men det skadar ju inte att tända lite rökelse i templet ändå för att vara på den säkra sidan!
It's been busy days here in Penang for the moment. The Chinese New Year is approaching and the celebration of the festival is big here in Penang. The Chinese New Year is also called Spring Festival and symbolizes the anticipation of spring and its' blossoming. As the New Year follows the Chinese lunar calendar, this years' New Year, falls on 31 of January and represents a shift from the year of the snake to the year of the horse. The Chinese New Year has been celebrated for more than 4000 years and there are many legends about why and how it has been celebrated throughout the history. Today, Chinese New Year is especially a festival that celebrates the family reunion and the honoring of the ancestors. How the Chinese New Year is celebrated varies depending on country, ethnicity , and family. Here in Penang as in many other places, it is customary to decorate the home with a lot of red decorations such as fabrics, lanterns, cherry flowers and Chinese characters that usually symbolizes prosperity and happiness. Families often celebrate the New Years Eve with a reunion dinner which follows with the celebration on New Year's Day by visiting relatives and friends. Red packets with money are a common thing and is given mainly by those who are married to those who are unmarried. Since my husband and I are now married , we will be giving red packets to those who are younger than us, an still unmarried. During Chinese New Year, it is also common for the Buddhists to go to the temple and light incense, especially if the coming New Year is not favorable to the Chinese zodiac sign that you were born in. Next year is less favorable for those born in the year of the horse, rat, rabbit and rooster. Fortunately, I was born in the year of the dog and I seem to have a good year to look forward to. Lucky me, since this coming year is the year when I will open up my own business. But I guess it doesn't hurt to light some incense in the temple anyway, just to be on the safe side I mean..
It's been busy days here in Penang for the moment. The Chinese New Year is approaching and the celebration of the festival is big here in Penang. The Chinese New Year is also called Spring Festival and symbolizes the anticipation of spring and its' blossoming. As the New Year follows the Chinese lunar calendar, this years' New Year, falls on 31 of January and represents a shift from the year of the snake to the year of the horse. The Chinese New Year has been celebrated for more than 4000 years and there are many legends about why and how it has been celebrated throughout the history. Today, Chinese New Year is especially a festival that celebrates the family reunion and the honoring of the ancestors. How the Chinese New Year is celebrated varies depending on country, ethnicity , and family. Here in Penang as in many other places, it is customary to decorate the home with a lot of red decorations such as fabrics, lanterns, cherry flowers and Chinese characters that usually symbolizes prosperity and happiness. Families often celebrate the New Years Eve with a reunion dinner which follows with the celebration on New Year's Day by visiting relatives and friends. Red packets with money are a common thing and is given mainly by those who are married to those who are unmarried. Since my husband and I are now married , we will be giving red packets to those who are younger than us, an still unmarried. During Chinese New Year, it is also common for the Buddhists to go to the temple and light incense, especially if the coming New Year is not favorable to the Chinese zodiac sign that you were born in. Next year is less favorable for those born in the year of the horse, rat, rabbit and rooster. Fortunately, I was born in the year of the dog and I seem to have a good year to look forward to. Lucky me, since this coming year is the year when I will open up my own business. But I guess it doesn't hurt to light some incense in the temple anyway, just to be on the safe side I mean..
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