We are flying to Sydney on holiday in April for one week, which is something I really look forward to. I've never been to Sydney but always wanted to go and see the city since my husband spent almost 10 years of his life there. It will be so fun to see his Sydney and all the places where he used to hang out when he lived there. Another thing that will be great fun when we go there is that I will get to meet some Swedish girls that opened up a Swedish cafe in Sydney a few years ago. Their cafe is called Fika Swedish Kitchen and is located in Manly. It was a childhood friend of mine who told me about the existence of a Swedish café in Sydney and after checking out their website on the internet, I just had to contact them and tell them about my plans here in Penang. And so in April I will get to meet these girls for some chat and good advice on how to start a Swedish Fika abroad. I'm so looking forward to meet them!
Fika Swedish Kitchen Sydney |
Blir så glad när jag läser hos dig.....kan detta bli annat än bra :-) Alla pusselbitar faller på plats. Bra hus för ditt Café, bra ideér, bra kontakter med andra i samma bransch.
SvaraRaderaDu gör allt detta som vi gamlingar bara drömde om....så kör på - och vi kan få känna att vi får följa med på detta spännande äventyr :-)
Och jag blir så glad av att läsa alla dina fina kommentarer Ilona! Det värmer och uppmuntrar mig verkligen, tack!!