
To have a break during the day and sit down with friends, family or colleagues and together enjoy some coffee (kaffe) and pastries (fikabröd), that is the meaning of the word fika. For Swedes, the fika breaks (fikapaus) are the most important part of the day and of the Swedish culture.

måndag 22 december 2014

Cafe sneak peek

Nu var det väldigt längesen jag skrev något på bloggen, men har haft fullt upp med att få ordning på kafeet så har inte haft så mycket tid över till annat. Nu har jag i  alla fall lyckats ställa rätt möbler och lite annat i kafeet, så det mesta som är kvar nu att göra är inredning och detaljer. Det som är det roliga helt enkelt! Här kommer ett litet smakprov på hur det svenska kafeet i Penang kommer att se ut.

It's been a long time since I wrote anything on the blog now, but I have just been too busy setting up the café so, unfortunately, I have not had much time over for other things. Now, I have at least managed to get the cafe in order, assembled all the furniture and sorted out some other important things before the opening. And so most of what is left now to do is some interior design and details. Which is the easier and more fun things to do. Here's a sneak peek of how the Swedish café, in Penang, will look like. 

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