Georgetown is a city that can be seen as chaotic, worn and rather dirty at its first glance. But if you let your eyes linger slightly, let yourself see beyond the first layer of chaos, and try not to judge the city by its first impression , you'll soon discover all those incredibly beautiful details that this city has. If you look at the city based on its entirety, you will overlook all these wonderful details. The beauty here is perhaps not as obvious as in an old Italian coastal town by the Ligurian Sea, but the beauty is there. And once you've found these beautiful details, it's hard not to marvel at how you could have overlooked all this beauty for so long. To some people, Georgetown symbolizes the past, perhaps a lost time, a hard life paved with poverty and misery. For us, who now wants to invest in this city, Georgetown symbolizes a future where you can create the city, as well as the kind of life, that you always dreamed of. A city where you can implement the new details with the old details, the young people with the old people and the new ideas with the old ones. And I guess, that is the actual idea of the city as a form in the first place, that it will change and live on through the people who are there, at this very moment.

Instagram photos by Fika Penang