Nationaldagen är här och Fika Penang vill passa på att önska alla er där ute en riktigt härlig svenska flaggans dag! Till nationaldagens ära passar det bra med ett litet videoklipp om 10 saker som kan vara bra att veta om Sverige. Enjoy!
Today, 6 of June, is the National Day of Sweden! We celebrate the National Day on 6 June mainly because of two historical events. On 6 June 1523 Gustav Vasa, who is seen as the founder of the modern Swedish national state, was elected king of Sweden, and on 6 June 1809, Sweden adopted a new constitution. In Sweden, people like to celebrate the National Day outdoors in public places together with friends and families. Most likely, Swedes will have lots of fika during this day as celebration. So to everyone of you out there, Happy National Day of Sweden and hope to see you next year for our National Day fika at Fika Penang! And what could be better on a day like this, than a short video of 10 good things to know about Sweden. Enjoy!
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