När det sedan var dags för min nackmassage så var det inte längre så njutbart. Tydligen så hade jag väldigt mycket spänningar i min nacke som blockerade blodflödet till huvudet enligt min massör så när hon försökte massera bort dessa spänningar gjorde det så ont så jag ville gråta. Jag som hade bokat massage för att jag skulle få njuta lite. Det här var ju inte alls njutbart! Men efteråt när massagen var klar så kändes det faktiskt som att mina axlar och min nacke kändes mycket bättre igen och mindre stela. Det får nog bli att gå tillbaka en gång till, men kanske för en mer njutbar aromamassage den här gången.
Something that's very nice when you live in Malaysia is that it's so easy and cheap to pamper yourself a little. Yesterday I had booked a foot massage and a head, neck and shoulders massage at Thai Odyssey, a super nice and relaxing place. Immediately when you enter, your body and mind becomes completely calm because the interior and the atmosphere is so beautiful and soothing. I've never been to a foot massage before, which I now strongly recommend. At this place they use reflexology , which is based on the principle that there are zones and reflex areas that are connected to each anatomical part of the body. If there is an imbalance or overload in the body, you will feel pain during the foot massage. This was an absolutely wonderful massage which I guess means I do not have so much imbalance in the body, as it would be more painful in that case. Thus, the massage felt a lot more on my right foot than on the left which I assume means that some of my organs where a bit imbalanced. As you can see from the picture below, the right and left foot represent different organs in the body.
When it was time for my neck massage, it was no longer so enjoyable. Apparently, I had a lot of tension in my neck that blocked my blood flow to my head according to the masseuse so when she tried to massage away those tensions, it hurt so much I wanted to cry. I had booked the massage hoping I would get to enjoy pampering. This was not at all enjoyable! But afterwards when the massage was finished, it really felt like my shoulders and my neck felt much better again and less tense. I'll probably be going back again to this lovely place soon, but maybe for a more enjoyable aromatherapy massage this time.
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