Idag är det Valborg och den efterlängtade våren är här. Ja, jag menar ju inte riktigt här i Malaysia då utan i Sverige. Malaysia har ju bara en årstid, det vill säga olidligt varmt, 24 timmar om dygnet, året om. Nu är det ju ganska härligt att få solsken varje dag och slippa ångest på grund av mörker och kyla, men nog saknar jag årstiderna ibland. Men vi kan ju lossas som att det känns som Valborg och att våren är här! Någon majbrasa blir det nog inte för oss här i Penang, men lite Valborgsmys med god mat och en drink efter det, ska vi allt kunna fixa. Fika Penang önskar alla där hemma i Sverige en underbar Valborgsmässoafton och ett varmt vårfirande!
Today is Valborgsmässoafton (long word, I know. There's a lot of these long words in Swedish. My husband is equally amused and annoyed about them. Imagine us kids when we have to do the spelling tests in school, it's a nightmare!) Anyway, this very long word is the name of our Spring festival and it means that the long-awaited spring is here. Well, it's not really here in Malaysia but it is in Sweden. Malaysia only has one season: unbearably hot, 24 hours a day, all year round. Although, it's quite wonderful to have sunshine every day and not having to feel depressed or anxious because of darkness and cold weather, I do really miss the seasons sometimes. But for today, we can at least pretend that it feels like Valborgsmässoafton and that the Spring is here. Normally this day, we would go out with our family and friends and watch bonfires and fireworks and listen to choirs, singing songs about the arrival of Spring. Our celebration of this festival goes a long way back to the 600-century, and is a mixture of Pagan and Christian traditions. It was first celebrated to commemorate Saint Valborg. This day was also seen as being the day when life and death where closely linked together. The bonfires were meant to keep all the witches away according to the Pagan believes and as a way to burn the old and give way for the new according to Christianity. Today, we mostly celebrate it as a symbol of Spring and light. So, no matter Pagan or Christian believes, have a great Valborgsmässoafton everyone!
And yes, I almost forgot, it is also our Kings birthday today. So, happy birthday to King Carl XVI Gustav. May the force be with you!
Har varit borta några dagar och oj så mycket som hänt. Och vad bra övervåningen blev :-) Trevlig helg till er. Passa på att vila lite också..../Ilona
SvaraRaderaJa, här händer det grejer Ilona! Trevlig helg till dig med och vad fina kort du hade lagt ut på FB! Supervackert!