
To have a break during the day and sit down with friends, family or colleagues and together enjoy some coffee (kaffe) and pastries (fikabröd), that is the meaning of the word fika. For Swedes, the fika breaks (fikapaus) are the most important part of the day and of the Swedish culture.

tisdag 7 oktober 2014

Moroccan food

Jag gjorde mitt första försök med att laga Marockansk mat i söndags efter att ha blivit inspirerad av alla vackra bilder från Marrakesh. Det är nog bland det godaste jag har lagat någonsin. Grym mat, grymma smaker och jättekul att laga. Det tog lite tid då maten lagas i olika många olika steg, men det var det värt! Recepten till alla rätter hittade jag på  

After being inspired by all the beautiful images from Marrakesh, I made my first attempt to cook Moroccan food last Sunday. It's probably among the best dishes I've ever cooked. Awesome food, awesome flavors and great fun to cook. It took a bit of time to cook it since the food is cooked in many different steps, but it was totally worth it! The recipes for all the dishes is unfortunately all in Swedish, but I'm sure you can find some great recipes if you google Morrocan food. 
Marockansk aubergineröra med tomater, vitlök och massa spiskummin.

Morrocan eggplant dish with tomatoes, garlic and lots of cumin.
Marockansk kyckling gjord i ugn med massa härliga kryddor, bland annat kanel och spiskummin.

Maroccan oven roasted chicken with lots of amazing spices like cinnamon and cumin.  
Couscous med honungsglaserad lök och mandlar.

 Couscous with honey glazed onion and almonds.  

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