
To have a break during the day and sit down with friends, family or colleagues and together enjoy some coffee (kaffe) and pastries (fikabröd), that is the meaning of the word fika. For Swedes, the fika breaks (fikapaus) are the most important part of the day and of the Swedish culture.

fredag 3 oktober 2014

From red to grey

Nu har min man målat om vår gamla trätrappa i huset. Vi valde en grafitgrå färg som matchar bra till kaklet som vi lagt. Förut var trappan röd och passade inte alls in bland resten av färgerna i huset, även om trappan var fin i sig. Nu känns allt mycket mer sammanhängande och genomtänkt. 

My husband has now repainted our old wooden staircase in the house. We chose a gray color that matches well with the floor tiles. The staircase was previously red and it didn't really fit in with the rest of the colors in the house, even though the staircase was quite nice by itself. Now everything feels much more coherent and well thought through.

Ni ser lite av den gamla röda färgen på trappan i detta inlägg.

You can see a small part of the old red color of the staircase in this post.

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