
To have a break during the day and sit down with friends, family or colleagues and together enjoy some coffee (kaffe) and pastries (fikabröd), that is the meaning of the word fika. For Swedes, the fika breaks (fikapaus) are the most important part of the day and of the Swedish culture.

måndag 17 mars 2014

Heritage Shophouse Styles

Så kom äntligen regnet. Underbart! Vi var ute hela dagen igår och njöt av den svala, mycket friskare luften. I och med regnet, renades även den dåliga luften från allt smog, damm och diverse luftföroreningar. Vi får hoppas att det håller i sig under veckan!

Häromdagen när vi var i Georgetown och åt lunch så hittade jag dessa affischer som så tydligt visar den typ av shophouse som vi har köpt och ska renovera. Det finns sex olika typer av shophouses i Georgetown och vår är den som kallas "Southern Chinese" Eclectic style. På bilden nedan kan ni se vilka olika stilar som finns i Georgetown samt under vilka olika tidsperioder de byggdes. Nedan kan ni även se hur ett Shophouse av "Southern Chinese" stil ser ut inuti samt vilka material som vanligast användes för denna stil. Trevlig måndag till er alla!

Then finally came the rain. Wonderful! We were out all day yesterday and enjoyed the cool, and fresher air. Because of the rain, the bad air finally became purified from all the smog, dust and various air pollutants. Let's hope it lasts during this week!

The other day when we were in Georgetown and had lunch, I found these posters that shows the kind of Shophouse that we've bought and will renovate. There are six different types of Shophouses in Georgetown and ours is the one called "Southern Chinese" Eclectic style. In the picture below you can see the different styles available in Georgetown and in what time periods they were built. Below you can also see the features of a Shophouse of "Southern Chinese" and what materials are most commonly used for this style. Happy Monday everyone!

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