
To have a break during the day and sit down with friends, family or colleagues and together enjoy some coffee (kaffe) and pastries (fikabröd), that is the meaning of the word fika. For Swedes, the fika breaks (fikapaus) are the most important part of the day and of the Swedish culture.

onsdag 19 februari 2014

Shophouse renovations and heritage information

Om ni är intresserade av att läsa mer om Georgetown och vad som händer i staden samt se mer om shophouserenoveringar, så kan ni kolla in GDI Heritage Shophouse Designer. Där får ni även veta lite mer om stadens bakgrund och historia och om nya projekt som det sattsas på. Väl värt ett besök! Detsamma gäller för George Town World Heritage Inc. där ni kan läsa mer om världsarvet och olika program och events som planeras.

If you are interested in reading more about Georgetown and what is happening in the city and also see more about shophouse renovations, you can check out the GDI Heritage Shophouse Designer. You will there get to know a bit more about the city's background and history, and also find out about new projects that are being promoted. Well worth a visit! The same goes for George Town World Heritage Inc. where you can read more about the World Heritage site and various programs and events that are planned for the near future.

George Town World Heritage Inc.

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