
To have a break during the day and sit down with friends, family or colleagues and together enjoy some coffee (kaffe) and pastries (fikabröd), that is the meaning of the word fika. For Swedes, the fika breaks (fikapaus) are the most important part of the day and of the Swedish culture.

torsdag 24 juli 2014

Plunge pool progress

Så här såg det ut i början av renoveringen. Även om vi har mycket kvar att göra, är det skönt att se att så mycket har hänt på denna korta tid. Vår lilla pool som vi bygger var inte mycket att hurra för då. 

This is how it looked like at the beginning of the renovation. Although we have a lot left to do, it's nice to see that so much has happened in this short time. Our little plunge pool that we are building was not much to cheer about at that time.

Men det tar sig. Förra veckan var poolen täckt i sitt första lager av cement. Men fortfarande långt ifrån klar.

But it's definitely progressing. Last week the pool was covered in its first layer of cement. But, as you can see, still far from complete.

Den här veckan börjar poolen ta sin slutgiltiga skepnad och faktiskt se ut som en riktig pool. Nu är det inte långt kvar tills vi kan ta oss vårt första dopp i vår alldeles egna pool.

This week, the plunge pool is beginning to take it's final shape and finally look like a real plunge pool. Now it's not long until we can take our first dip in our very own pool.

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